Friday, January 04, 2008

Barsetshire in the New York Times

Verlyn Klinkenborg has a nice little commentary about the Barsetshire novels of Angela Thirkell. He mentions that they share the geography of Trollope, if I remember correctly Thirkell is actually a cousin or some such relation to Trollope. I've always enjoyed the books, and have several in inventory.

1 comment:

anisopteras said...

FYI, Thirkell is no relation to Trollope but "her mother was Margaret Burne-Jones, daughter of the Pre-Raphaelite painter Edward Burne-Jones, and through her Thirkell was the first cousin of Rudyard Kipling and Stanley Baldwin." See

There are yahoo groups for both Trollope and Thirkell and I remember someone in the Thirkell group saying something about the Trollope group not liking Thirkell's use of Barset. No love love lost there, I think.

I only discovered Thirkell last year and have enjoyed reading her Barset books. I still have several more to find. I've read all the ones at the library and it is hard to find the rest on line.