Thursday, March 17, 2005

Eudora Welty

Quick read last night, The Optimist's Daughter. Welty shares that evocative texture of writing with Faulkner and Wolfe, but seems more concise and spare in her treatment. I have a volume of her collected stories on the to-be-read pile.

Finished the Wheels of Commerce, now the decision is whether to start volume three or polish off some lighter reading. Three may actually be the most approachable since it is the survey of world history--which reminds me of such favorites as H.G. Wells Outline of History and the works of Hendrik van Loon.

Son and heir bought a corgi last week and is considering names. In research on Welsh names I discovered that there is a four volume set by Evangeline Walton based on The Mabinogen Cycle.

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